Human Rights & Democratization
Strengthening Security Sector Reform in Armenia: A Multi-Stakeholder Collaborative Roundtable Dialogue
On November 7-8, 2024, Peace Dialogue NGO and the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF), in partnership with the Democracy Development Foundation (DDF), convened a roundtable to assess the current state and chart the future course of security sector reform in Armenia. Supported by the National Assembly and the Ministry of Defence of Armenia, the event provided a platform for key stakeholders to engage in constructive discussions on this critical issue.
Armenia in Focus: Navigating the Eastern Partnership, Regional Security, and European Integration
“…Despite 58% of the Armenian population favoring EU membership, EU-Armenia relations remain vulnerable to Russian influence…”
Legal Support for Conscripts and Citizens in Military Reserve Force Trainings
PD provides legal assistance related to the cases of human rights violations in the Armed Forces
Peace Dialogue NGO provides legal assistance related to the cases of human rights violations in the Armed Forces. For obtaining legal counsel, you can visit Peace Dialogue NGO office (Vanadzor, Myasnikyan 12/40) or contact by phone at +374 (55) 82 06 32 or +374 (322) 2 13 40.
Invitation for Collaboration
Peace Dialogue NGO announces a call for cooperation with representatives of civil society organizations in monitoring the RA Ministry of Defense’s (MoD) activities in the scope of the Action Plan 2020-2022 deriving from the RA National Strategy on Protection of Human Rights (HRAP Action Plan 2020-22).
For participating in this initiative entitled Civil Society Support for Democratic Oversight Processes of Human Rights Conditions in the Armenian Army, launched in May 2020, please, fill in the application form attached to this article.
The deadline for application submission is 25 June, 2020. Only successful candidates will be contacted.
National multi-stakeholder platform on democratic security sector oversight
At the beginning of 2020, Peace Dialogue NGO became involved in the activities of National multi-stakeholder platform on democratic security sector oversight. Aiming to promote democratic-civilian oversight of the security sector in Armenia, the platform brings together representatives of government agencies operating in the security sector, oversight bodies, and civil society organizations.
Discussion on the Activities Implemented by the Armenian MoD within the Framework of 2017-2019 Action Plan Derived from the National Strategy for Human Rights Protection.
Meeting participants emphasized the importance of civil society monitoring, and they expressed willingness to work together in developing the next three-year action plan.
Are criminal investigations related to non-combat deaths in the army carried out objectively?
A discussion entitled Investigation of criminal cases initiated in non-combat deaths in the army: is comprehensive, thorough and impartial investigation of cases guaranteed? took place on 12 September 2019 in Article 3 Club. The event was the result of cooperative efforts between Peace Dialogue NGO and Article 3 Club. Some of the criminal cases launched based on deaths recorded over the past 10 years have been dropped or suspended during the judicial process. Meanwhile, some are still in the preliminary stages of investigation. Victims’ successors cannot find out the real causes of their relatives’ death, and it has become common practice that those responsible for these criminal acts go unidentified and are not punished.
Second Working Meeting of the Monitoring Group for Defense Ministry Actions Based on the National Human Rights Action Plan
The second working meeting of the Monitoring Group, developed as part of the “Proactive Civil Society Participation in the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights in the Armenian Military Forces” program, took place on 10 July.
The Court Obligated the Ministry of Defense to Re-Calculate the Amount of Compensation for Military Serviceman’s Tuition Fee
In 2018, Peace Dialogue NGO initiated a strategic litigation for the protection of the interests of the military servicemen who graduated from military educational institutions and refused to pursue post-educational contractual military service.