Research and Analysis
Tracking the Implementation of Armenia’s 2023-2025 Human Rights Action Plan: Achievements and Gaps in Right to Life in the Armed Forces
This report specifically focuses on monitoring the actions planned by the Armenian Government for the 2023-2024 period, with a particular focus on protecting the right to life within the defense sector.
Interview Findings From Military Training Participants In Armenian Armed Forces
Quarterly Report on the Human Rights Violations in the RA Military Forces (Vol.1)
This is a quarterly report on the human rights violations in the Republic of Armenia (RA) military as monitored and reported by the Peace Dialogue NGO, based in Vanadzor, Armenia. The report is a concise version of the comprehensive information that we publish on our site The site is updated regularly.
The Suicides and Murders Statistics in the Armenian Army (Infographics)
Over a period of six years, from 2010 to 2015 the RA and NK armed forces suffered a total of 206 fatal casualties, of which 48 were results of suicides and 43 results of murders. That number does not include the fatalities that were the result of ceasefire regime violations on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border and the line of contact. In percentage this numbers are equivalent to 23% and 21% of total non-combat casualties during the last 6 years.
The Fatal Accidents Statistics in the Armenian Army (Infographics)
67 fatalities out of 206 recorded in the RA and NK armed forces during the period 2010-2015 were fatal accidents. This number does not include the fatalities that were the result of ceasefire regime violations on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border and the line of contact.
Graphic Works from the ARENA Summer School
Dear visitors, here you can find the graphic stories made during the ARENA Summer School for Peace and Art. Under the following link you can learn more about the Summer School. (Click here).
Arena: Community Theatre and Public Art
Using art, films, and theatre in peace and human rights activism is not new. Many civil society groups around the world use art as a way to enable people to explore human rights, democracy, and peace, even in countries where free voices are restricted. Thanks to the open ended nature of the language used in …
Between Freedom and Security (Research)
The current research has been implemented by Peace Dialogue NGO in the framework of the project Safe Soldiers for a Safe Armenia, which is supported by the Dutch organization PAX. The research aims at studying the perceptions of youth on political developments,foreign policy, safety and a number of other issues in Armenia.
Analysis of the Violations Revealed During the Observation of the Preliminary Investigation and Judicial Processes Regarding Non-combat Fatalities in the RA Armed Forces
Peace Dialogue NGO initiated the publication of this book within in the framework of the project Safe Soldiers for a Safe Armenia of Peace Dialogue NGO. The project Safe Soldiers for a Safe Armenia is supported by IKV Pax Christi.