Strengthening Security Sector Reform in Armenia: A Multi-Stakeholder Collaborative Roundtable Dialogue
On November 7-8, 2024, Peace Dialogue NGO and the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF), in partnership with the Democracy Development Foundation (DDF), convened a roundtable to assess the current state and chart the future course of security sector reform in Armenia. Supported by the National Assembly and the Ministry of Defence of Armenia, the event provided a platform for key stakeholders to engage in constructive discussions on this critical issue.
Armenia in Focus: Navigating the Eastern Partnership, Regional Security, and European Integration
“…Despite 58% of the Armenian population favoring EU membership, EU-Armenia relations remain vulnerable to Russian influence…”
Summarizing Journalism without Borders intercultural exchange
On 19-23 July 2021, in cooperation with its partners Une Terre Culturelle Association and German-French Youth Office, Peace Dialogue NGO implemented a five-day youth project under the title Journalism Without Borders. The goal of the project was to introduce young people representing Armenia, Germany and France to modern journalism, a number of social media tools, as well as to address the existing issues and challenges in the field and discuss ways of overcoming them.
What to Expect from the Political Forces that Have Entered the National Assembly of Armenia as a Result of the Snap Parliamentary Elections in 2021
Peace Dialogue NGO studied the election programs of the afore-mentioned political units, the statements made by the representatives of these forces during the campaign, interviews, the ideas and thoughts voiced during the political debates, in order to find out what the visions of these forces are for overcoming the crisis and possible ways to resolve the problems.
Training for Psychologists Working with Children Affected by the 44-Day War
With the support of experts, 10 psychologists and social workers from Nagorno-Karabakh got acquainted with the advanced tools and methodologies for identifying war-affected children’s psychological problems and for providing assistance to children through various didactic materials, techniques, role-plays, case studies and relaxation exercises. The trainers gave the participants the opportunity to improve their theoretical and practical knowledge which will be applicable while working with children with anxiety, fears and phobias. The training process will be ongoing during the upcoming months.
PROSPECT Public Discussion
On the initiative of Peace Dialogue NGO, a public discussion entitled Prospect took place on 10-11 April, 2021. The purpose of the meeting was to promote public discourse on possible ways of overcoming the challenges of security, human rights protection and democracy in the newly-created situation as a result of the 44-day war. From a long-term perspective, the event was aimed at shaping a realistic vision of the future with the involvement of various public groups based on critical and self-critical analysis of lessons from the past and the present.
Prohibition of Torture։ Informational Video for Conscripts
We call your attention to an informational video made specifically for conscripts, which tells about the right to refrain from torture and degrading treatment during military service, the state’s obligations to ensure the right, as well as possible actions that should be taken to prevent violation of the right.
Monitoring Results of Defense Sector-Related Actions in the Scope of 2020-2022 Action Plan Deriving from Armenia’s National Strategy for Human Rights Protection
This report is devoted to the monitoring of the implementation of the defense sector-related actions in the period from January 1 to December 31, 2020.
Open Narratives: Series of workshops for young people displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh
Since February Peace Dialogue NGO has been conducting a series of workshops involving young participants from Nagorno-Karabakh who found a temporary or permanent residence in Lori region of Armenia. One of the main directions of the meetings is workshopping documentary photography, with the aim of developing young participants’ photography skills which will help them to create photo stories about their daily routine, hobbies, and challenges, thus bringing into effect their creative ideas.