Media Skills Training to Strengthen Democratic Participation and Job Skills for Youth in Vanadzor Area

December 23, 2019

© 2019. Original photo by  RAYUL

Starting 1 February 2020, Peace Dialogue NGO will launch a project aimed at strengthening and promoting democratic values among Armenian youth.

The program will involve 18 young men and women from Vanadzor and the surrounding area. They will participate in 3 training sessions run by Peace Dialogue and its partners that will teach them skills for carrying problem analysis of community needs and subsequently creating and promoting public service announcement (PSA) videos.

By the end of the project, participants will have created PSAs that highlight issues of top importance to Vanadzor residents. They will then use these videos in their communications with city officials in efforts to underscore issues that the municipal government should address and work to improve.

Overall, the project looks to boost the active involvement of Vanadzor-area youth in making positive changes in their community and also to teach them communications, marketing and video production skills they will be able to use in their later professional life.
The project is implemented with support from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Peace Corps as part of the Peace Corps Small Project Assistance (SPA) / Small Grants Program.