February 01, 2013

The team of Peace Dialogue NGO, a little belatedly, presents another animated work. This cartoon, entitled SWEN, was supposed to have been completed by the end of the previous year. But we decided to film this video in 3D format, which was very time-consuming.

The video aims to reveal the issue of propaganda in a more obvious and symbolic way–a somewhat simplified way. We are planning to continue the series and to film the second part of the cartoon, which is going to be devoted not to TV but printed media.

After completing work on the second part, the PD staff intends to announce a competition for ideas for the next series so that everyone can have an opportunity to raise the issues that they are concerned with.

We wish you happy viewing.

owenThe Project’s German Partner –  OWEN – Mobile Akademie für Geschlechterdemokratie und Friedensförderung e.V.

The project “Let’s See… Let’s Choose… Let’s Change…” is supported by the zivik (Civil Conflict Resolution) programme of the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa) with means from the German Federal Foreign Office.

