According to the RA Government decision N 122, announced on February 2, 2023, the 25-day reservists trainings for the first and second class of the first group of the reserve force, including groups of privates, subalterns and officers, will be conducted from March 1 to May 12, 2023.
Stated in Article 17 of the RA Law “On Military Service and the Status of Servicemen”, citizens who are called to a military training undergo a medical check-up and expertise. As part of the medical care and service, the state provides check-up and expertise free of charge to the citizens.
If you want to learn more about your rights or if you are seeking restitution for any rights that have been violated during the military trainings announced by the RA government, please, contact Peace Dialogue NGO at following mobile numbers:
- +374 (55) 820 632
- +374 (98) 821 630
- +374 (77) 188 138
- +374 (99) 888 120
Or by sending an email to [email protected].
The legal assistance offered by the organisation is free of charge.
Kindly note that Peace Dialogue provides legal support as part of a grant provided by the Black Sea Trust (BST) program of the German Marshall Fund.